
Terence Raines




Buffalo Wild Wings


Coca Cola



Marriott International


Tailgate Club

Under Armour


+ more 


My name is Terence Raines. Currently, I am a Associate Creative Director at 160over90, working on the experiential team based in Atlanta, GA. What excites me the most about being a creative is having the chance to constantly challenge myself to find new ways to be innovative and use strategic design to solve for any real-world problem. Over the past decade, I have learned that design is an extremely powerful tool, but it is only as strong as the team behind it. That is why I have made it my personal mission in life to develop and maintain lasting relationships where sharing knowledge and wisdom are essential, but building a personal connection based on the heart is key. To me, being a great creative is more than knowing how to make things pretty, it is knowing how to motive yourself or team to dig deep, think big and never give up; for the greatest creations come from chaos and it is only when you extract the best elements that you find a diamond in the rough. Aside from design, I have a passion for world travel, my spirt animal is an elephant and I LOVE ketchup! Please visit my LinkedIn for more on my professional experience or follow me on Instagram to see where I end up next. Thanks, and remember to always stay inspired.